*#/ Collision of Universes //: Terminé avec succès

At the end of January, we closed a next-level partnership with the World Wide Wine team that meets the main goal of rewarding our communities for holding the NFTs in their wallets.
//: To be distributed
300X wwwine RoboParts for the wwwine NFT holders and 62,462 $GRAPES for the SpaceRobots NFT holders.
The $GRAPES tokens will be distributed to the SpaceRobots NFT holders in the time to come.

The RoboParts distribution takes place today to reward the WWWINE community for Hodling.
The main distribution rule was directly related to the number of wwwine NFTs you hold in your wallet, as follows:
- 1 wwwine in your wallet = a chance to win 1 RoboPart
- 2 wwwine in your wallet = a chance to win up to 2 RoboParts
- 3 wwwine in your wallet = a chance to win up to 3 RoboParts
- X wwwine in your wallet = a chance to win up to X RoboParts
//: wwwine RoboParts
We’ve specially designed 5 RoboParts - for each body part available to be Upgraded in the near future on our Space Robots NFT. They will be consisting of 60 Legendary pieces for each body part.
EARS RoboPart

MOUTH RoboPart

EYES RoboPart


HANDS RoboPart

//: Trading RoboParts
Always make sure to use reliable links when Trading. Find below our RoboParts collection on DeadRare and FrameIT.GG secondary marketplaces:

The Unique Identifier of the RoboPart collection is: SRP-ec2514
Make sure you double-check the RoboPart NFT is in accordance with this Unique Collection Identifier. This is the only legit one.
As soon as the RoboPart Upgrade functionality will be up and running you’ll be able to upgrade your Space Robot NFT with these limited edition RoboParts.
By the end of the day the airdrop should take place. Check your wallet by that time and see if you won any of these Special Edition wwwine RoboParts.
Consider yourself lucky for holding one as they are a very limited supply (60 each RoboPart) and extremely strong Legendaries.
Take your time to remark on these masterpieces! Touché
//: Transmission terminated
Linktree: http://linktr.ee/spacerobots
Author Borisake