*#/ Unlocking RoboPacks & RoboParts

*#/ Unlocking RoboPacks & RoboParts

Dear Space Robots community, the time has come.

Starting on Jan 31st you will finally be able to unlock your RoboPacks and find out what kind of Space Robot and RoboParts you will get!

The unlocking event will be separated into two parts to ensure everything runs smoothly and additionally to prioritize our early followers!

Sneak Peak from RoboPack unlocking sequence

PH1 — Jan 31st

Around 18:00 UTC on Jan 31st we will share URL for dapp and enable the smart contract that will allow you to unlock the RoboPack PH1.

You will get (1 Space Robot NFT + 2 RoboParts NFTs) the RoboPack PH1 SFT will be removed from your inventory.

PH2 — Feb 2nd

Around 18:00 UTC on Feb 2nd we will enable smart contract that will allow you to unlock the RoboPack PH2.

You will get (1 Space Robot NFT + 1 RoboPart SFT) the RoboPack PH2 SFT will be removed from your inventory.

How unlocking will work?

  1. You will go to the website (TBA).
  2. Enter the Unlock page.
  3. Connect your Elrond wallet.
  4. Select a RoboPack.
  5. Press Unlock and sign the transaction.
  6. Voilà!

PS. There is no rush to open RoboPacks. You can also keep them and you will be able to open them in the future.

Sneak Peak from RoboPack unlocking process

RoboPart NFTs

The RoboParts will upgrade your Space Robot NFT in the later stages of the project development. In this process, the original Space Robot NFT + RoboPart SFT will be burned and new upgraded Space Robot NFT will be minted with new RoboPart.

Space Robots Upgradable NFTs

You will later find out that each Space Robot and its parts will have Attack and Defense levels. These elements will be essential in our upcoming game (more on this in the future).

RoboParts will have different rarity tiers with the matching background and holographic robot mannequin color representing that rarity. The highest Tier RoboParts will have the topmost Attack and Defense levels.

  • Legendary (Purple)
  • Epic (Blue)
  • Rare (Green)
  • Uncommon (Yellow)
  • Common (Grey)

We are preparing for the unlocking event.

//: End of transmission: Stay tuned

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Twitter: twitter.com/SpaceRobotsNFT
Discord: discord.gg/spacerobots
Telegram: t.me/spacerobots
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/SpaceRobotsNFT