ΣUpgrade //: Devnet Public Test

*#/ That is it!
//: We are calling 🤖 participants who have registered for the event to engage their testing protocols! ⚠️Read below for important information.
URL: https://dev-upgrade.spacerobotsclub.com/upgrade

//: How to
- The current version is optimized for ⚠️Desktop only! For the best experience, don't use mobile screens!
- Go to https://devnet-wallet.multiversx.com/faucet - you will need Devnet EGLD to sign transactions. Click Faucet, and you will get 5 xEGLD.
- Then you can proceed to https://dev-upgrade.spacerobotsclub.com/upgrade
- Your Devnet wallet is already pre-loaded with Robots and RoboParts
- Report your results and share your feedback to our 🆙︱feedback-tool channel on Discord! And share at least one successful ⚠️Upgrade transaction to be eligible for the reward.
- Try to test various configurations and different RoboParts.
- Enjoy!

//: 🏆Rewards
- Each participant will be eligible for a special edition of RoboPart as a reward for testing (to be announced later)
- We encourage you to share your ΣUpgrade protocol experience on Twitter or the X platform. Two posts with the most engagement will be rewarded with RoboPack PH1 and RoboPack PH2!
//: End of transmission: Stay tuned ⚡
Linktree: http://linktr.ee/spacerobots
Space Robots Team @ Racyon Industries
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