*#/ SR X Kahunuts - Giveaway Quest Ep3 - Winners & Answers

*#/ SR X Kahunuts - Giveaway Quest Ep3 - Winners & Answers

Beloved Robots and Juju Coconuts, we are glad to announce that this first Giveaway Quest concept ends even better than it started! The Episode 3 gathered 71 responses, of which 33 were correct. That's a right answer rate of 46%🎉

If you participated in this event, you earned a ticket🎫 for the Lucky Draw. You could earn up to 3 tickets by participating in all 3 Giveaway Quest events. The date and the prize pool of the Lucky Draw will be announced soon 👀

I, SpaceMod, personally would like to thank Kahunuts for their trust, all participants for their regular attendance throughout the 3 episodes and finally all community members who took time to share with me their positive feedbacks about the concept and Space Robots in general.

The most involved of you guys generated a new and fresh dynamic on our Discord server along with the episodes launches. It was a pleasure to witness and to exchange with all of you 🤍

//: Winners

Now is time to reveal the 25 winners of this contest. Let's find out who were the fastest to answer both questions correctly!

🏆 @naka2052: Pipe-of-Destiny + 500K LKMEX + 1 Kahunuts WL
🥈 @therealmateal: Pipe-of-Destiny + 400K LKMEX + 1 Kahunuts WL
🥉 @CTinwens: Pipe-of-Destiny + 300K LKMEX + 1 Kahunuts WL
4th: @vucusc: Pipe-of-Destiny + 200K LKMEX + 1 Kahunuts WL
5th: @nickzncs: Pipe-of-Destiny + 100K LKMEX + 1 Kahunuts WL
6th: @Floheezy
7th: @RKrompolc
8th: @Investpedia1
9th: @jfparis66
10th: @Sinatix_

Each win Pipe-of-Destiny + 75K LKMEX + 1 Kahunuts WL

Let's get to the 15 🍀 winners chosen randomly among correct answers:

  • @jularon4
  • @bedreguski
  • @erd_arwen19
  • @CrypTomatoM
  • @Mojojozer
  • @lauriehaf
  • @Shadrezar
  • @jota2192
  • @pippiwestwood
  • @ElrondGeorge
  • @LordRosomak
  • @0PA_Crazy
  • @cryptostud3
  • @jalmar92

Each win Pipe-of-Destiny + 75K LKMEX + 1 Kahunuts WL

👏 Congratulations to all winners, that's what we call merit!

🚬 Distribution of the Pipe-of-Destiny tomorrow May 31th - 17 UTC

⏱️ Distribution of prizes within 24h

//: Answers

You can read the first episode entirely on Space Robots' Discord channel or Kahunuts' Discord channel.

//: Question 1 (Yes or No): In the first place, the Hermit refuses to provide help for the Kahunuts

You could read in the story:

“No, I can’t. I’m in the middle of my nap. And then I go hunting for truffles, and then I have my noon milk. There’s just no time for it. No time for you! Scouts!”

Thus, in the first place, the Hermit indeed refuses to provide help for the Kahunuts.

//: The Riddle: How do you figure out without a doubt which switch controls the light?

The riddle statement says:

- Kahunuts are in a room with 3 switches turned off. Next to it, there is a room with a lightbulb turned off too, but they can't see the room

- One of the 3 switches controls the lamp

- Kahunuts are allowed  to visit the bulb room once. But, at the right moment the door is open, they will no longer be allowed to touch the switches

The correct reasoning is the following:

- You switch on one of the switches for a few minutes, so that the bulb potentially has time to heat up. Then, you switch it off.

- Then, you switch on a second switch a you go visit the bulb room.

- If the light is on, the switch controlling the bulb is the one you just switched on.

- If the light is off, you touch the bulb. If it's hot, the correct switch is the first you touched. If it's cold, the correct switch is the one you didn't touch at all.

Thanks to all who participated, this is the end of the first Giveaway Quest, good luck for the Lucky Draw! (TBA)

//: End of transmission: Stay tuned ⚡
Linktree: http://linktr.ee/spacerobots