*#/SR — Shopping Guide

*#/SR — Shopping Guide

//: Promotional tune starts playing.

Here at Racyon Industries, we value our customers. And we put the maximum effort that everyone would get Robot they desire the most!

//: Rarity

Space Robots NFTs have several unique qualities that you won’t find anywhere else. This guide is designed to allow you to make an informed decision which Robot is perfect for you.

We have a multi-layered rarity, so make sure you will evaluate all of them.

1. Rarity Rank

Our team and our artist Simpleprick worked painstakingly to deliver the handsome Robot ART — and of course the most impressive traits are rare.

You can check the statistical rarity on the following websites:

2. Utility rank

Space Robots NFTs will use Total Attack (TA) and Total Defense (TD) to determine the Utility for Staking, Game, and others (👀). Higher TA and TD will provide more benefits/utility.

You can find these values in tags or attributes, but not all marketplaces display them.
Or on tags on Elrond Explorer.

Once you know the TA and TD of your NFT — you can check the rankings in these tables:

3. Upgrade-ability factor

Remember that you can upgrade Hands, Eyes, Ears, Mouth, and Head Slot parts. But you can’t upgrade Head or Body.

So, for example, if you get a Space Robot with ScienceBot body with A26 D26 and RockBot head A18 D18, but other parts are low tier with or even missing. After we will release the Upgrade NFT feature (release date TBA) you will be able to replace all five parts.

After these upgrades the robot will become more statistically rare and have higher Total Attack and Defense ratings.

Robot with ScienceBot body and missing arms

4. Matching Head/Body

365 is the number of matching Head and Body combinations. For example there are only 37 RustBot Head/Body combinations.

These are important if you want to build a Robot Set with matching Head, Body and Hands. Or maybe you want to create a GolBot!

You can find all of them using Trust Market or Dead Rare secondary markets filtering systems.

Space Robot NFT with matching Head and Body parts.

We plan to release Space Robots rarity tools, but at the moment please use these resources.

//: Staking

We wanted to clarify some things about Space Robots NFT staking:

  • Staking Space Robots NFTs with higher TA + TD will earn RoboParts faster.
  • Gen2 RoboParts earned from Staking will be different from Gen1 parts RoboParts that you get by unlocking RoboPacks.
  • Soon we will publish all the details regarding Staking Parts Tokenomics

//: F.A.Q.

  • Q: Will I get back the RoboParts after I upgrade the Robot?
    A: No. Original parts will be burned/lost. Robot NFT + Part NFT = New Robot NFT
  • Q: When Public Sale?
    A: We are currently working on a Public Sale solution to keep the floor price and distribution fair for early adopters and newcomers.
  • Q: Will matching Head/Body combinations or Backgrounds have any utility?
    A: Matching attributes or rare backgrounds won’t have any utility for staking or the game. However, we will surely bring them ephemeral importance at some point through special events to keep all robots involved in our beautiful project.

//: End of transmission: Stay tuned

Website: Spacerobots.club
Twitter: twitter.com/SpaceRobotsNFT
Discord: discord.gg/spacerobots
Telegram: t.me/spacerobots
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/SpaceRobotsNFT