//: SR Background Collection Airdrop

The holders of Space Robots NFTs will receive an airdrop of experimental SR Backgrounds NFT collection. Which probably is the first utility NFT collection for the Maiar app.
//: Loading Data
Introducing the experimental SR Backgrounds NFT collection. For your impressive Space Robots NFT, you need a matching cover on the Maiar app profile!
When we saw the announcement of the Maiar app profile cover feature. At that moment, experimental SR Backgrounds NFT collection or SRB got generated in our robotic minds.
All the SR Backgrounds are made by the Space Robots team artists @Simpleprick and @Tarantulotv. There will be 40 unique items in the collection.

//: SRB Distribution
All our Space Robots NFT holders will receive a matching SR Background NFTs for each one of Space Robot NFT in their wallets.
If you hold 5X Space Robots NFTs you will receive 5X SR Background NFTs.
- Unlist the NFTs from Marketplaces or Proteo Platform if you participated in the Presale
- Or simply hold the Space Robots NFTs in your wallet
- Only for NFTs from SRC-27d8ff collection
The time of the snapshot is June 8th around 18 UTC.
It will take a few days to calculate the data, so the distribution will start on June 10th at around 18 UTC.
Update: June 6th - due to recent developments on the Elrond network we have delayed the event for 2 days. Snapshot date changed from June 6th to 8th and distribution from June 8th to 10th.
//: The Tutorial
Deploying an instructional video guide on how Robots should use SR Background NFTs to customize their Maiar profiles.
//: The collection

The Space Robots Backgrounds is already minted SRB-0f1b1d there will 2821 items in collection. The collection is listed on these marketplaces:
//: Rarity
The table below is the official rarity table for the collection. We are working with other marketplaces to update the rankings to match the official rankings.
You can tell the item's rank by Edition; the lower number of Editions, the higher the rank is. Rarity matches the Space Robots NFT collection.
Since the number of editions was based on the NFT snapshot, some NFTs are not yet sold, unlocked, or were on marketplaces. That causes the Rarity ranks to be uneven if sorted by rank.
Rank | Name | Rarity | Edition |
1 | Hypno Purple | Legendary | 3 |
2 | Hypno Square | Legendary | 6 |
3 | Hypno Toxic | Legendary | 10 |
4 | Hypno Orange | Legendary | 10 |
5 | Rainbow Noir | Legendary | 12 |
6 | Rainbow | Legendary | 17 |
7 | Matrix Numbers | Epic | 23 |
8 | Desolate | Epic | 29 |
9 | DigitalNet Blue | Rare | 29 |
10 | Robopack Hook | Epic | 30 |
11 | RainxBow | Rare | 30 |
12 | RainxBow Noir | Rare | 34 |
13 | DigitalNet Green | Rare | 40 |
14 | Dark planet | Epic | 41 |
15 | DigitalNet Noir | Rare | 41 |
16 | DigitalNet Yellow | Rare | 44 |
17 | Holo Scrap Yard | Rare | 45 |
18 | Tunnel Vision | Epic | 46 |
19 | Bad Signal | Epic | 50 |
20 | Holo Desert Green | Rare | 50 |
21 | Moon | Epic | 55 |
22 | Mars | Epic | 57 |
23 | Radioactive | Uncommon | 63 |
24 | RoboPack Wall | Rare | 64 |
25 | Illusion | Uncommon | 68 |
26 | Elrond | Uncommon | 71 |
27 | RoboCell Colorful | Uncommon | 74 |
28 | Skull | Uncommon | 89 |
29 | Metal Red Bright | Uncommon | 103 |
30 | Metal Blue Deep | Common | 106 |
31 | Metal Purple Deep | Common | 113 |
32 | Metal Red | Common | 115 |
33 | Metal Purple | Common | 115 |
34 | Metal Rusty | Common | 118 |
35 | Metal Green Bright | Uncommon | 119 |
36 | Metal Green Military | Common | 119 |
37 | Space | Common | 121 |
38 | Metal Electric | Common | 129 |
39 | Metal Green | Common | 129 |
40 | Metal Yellow | Common | 130 |
41 | Metal Grey | Common | 131 |
42 | Metal Blue | Common | 142 |
//: End of transmission: Stay tuned ⚡
Linktree: http://linktr.ee/spacerobots