*#/ Space Robots X Proteo Defi - AMA Recap

Fellow Robots, here is an accurate recap of what has been discussed during the AMA Proteo Defi hosted about Space Robots.
Q1: A few or most of the NFTs are cashing in on the current trend. They are here today and might be gone tomorrow. How is Space Robots planning to stay in the game for a longer period of time?
We're currently working on various functionality that brings utility to the Space Robots ecosystem - like the Upgrading functionality, Staking, and some other things that will be disclosed in our new Roadmap.
As for the sustainability we are planning to develop an actual business in the video production industry that will bring exposure and revenue to the brand - Space Robots STUDIO, we could say š
We strongly believe art and design is one of our strongest aspects of the project.
The game we have planned in the current version of the Roadmap will also play an important role to the ecosystem.
Many interesting things will come up with the new version of the Roadmap with the main focus on utility and sustainability.
Q2: I know maybe is too early to speak about but was wondering about what is the Space Robots universe?
Oh man, the Space Robots Universe is going to be huge.
We are actively working on developing on the Lore and main characters of it.
We are aiming to merge everything we build in one place that will be interconnected. Plenty of research is currently done for the main components of the Space Robots universe.
Regarding this, we are preparing a surprise for the community - it will be an interesting media content that will better define the idea described about the Space Robots Universe and the Studio we are planning to build.
Q3: What is the next step of Space Robot Project?
The next step is the Upgrading functionality which is currently under development with the help of the Moonlorian Development team.
Adding to this we are preparing two functionalities that are new for the Elrond ecosystem and will bring value with them. We have everything on papers, just need to start building them.
Moving forward, the Staking mechanism is next on the list.
Q4 (suggestion): Space robots made of recycled parts could carry the flag of eco-sustainability, while their investors have fun playing while collaborating indirectly. And all from the greenest blockchain
That is an interesting topic. Here at Space Robots we already made donations for Teamseas and a donation to Binance charity. And we think that nature and ecology, and environmental protection are really important topics. That is we really like that Elrond is a green blockchain. And once the public sale is complete of course we will decide on best way to donate the funds collected.
Space Robots characters themselves are an example of how things should be made. Durable and reliable, lasting for a long time, so you don't need to get a new device for a couple of years. The robots are all rust and scratched up, because they are operating for a long time.
Thank you for all the suggestions "Space robots made of recycled parts" is a really interesting one. Maybe we can make some real Space Robots merchandize from some recycled materials.
And we do love educating people with our different quizzes and tasks, so we might incorporate some of environmental messages into those.
Q5: In roadmap it was mentioned about the Spacerobots universe, how do u plan to incorporate the metaverse ecosystem with these NFTs ?
The short answer is GameFi.
Longer one, we are planning to achieve that by integrating multiple gamification mechanism that will contribute to the Space Robots economy. Currently, by the books, the SR Economy is moving around the RoboParts that will play an important role in the game design, but also in the look/aspect of the Space Robots NFT.
All our NFT designs are 3D models at a top studio level quality thanks to Simpleprick.
Our main focus is on utility and sustainability, which we believe are close to a formula that will actually work with no compromises to quality.
Q6: Do you plan to grow your team? When and Why?
@Borisake was an early Space Robots supporter from the early beginning, and now he is the member of the Space Robots team, and is helping us on building Space Robots project. And recently we hired a new moderator for our Discord server. As we continue to grow we will continue to expand our team.
Q7: Can you name how the ranking system works? Especially after burning the robopart, how is the rating given?
We are in the process on designing and building an advanced ranking system. Ā That will allow to incorporate different aspects of Space Robots like statistical rarity, total attack and total defense ranks.
It will be our official ranking system, the ranks will be based on the current ranking system, but it will be more in depth and fairly incorporate all the aspect of the Space Robots collection.
And the new ranking systems is a requirement since the Upgraded (burned) Space Robots NFTs will have different rarity and TAD (Total Attack Defense) ratings.
Q8: What do you think will be the best benefit of holding a NFT in about one year and how do you plan to achieve it?
Our team continues to build and innovate continuously. Space Robots is a passion project for us, and we want to build something that will provide value not only for our NFT holders. But for whole Elrond ecosystem.
And as an example of the innovation we are releasing the first Elrond NFT - Maiar utility collection.
The holders of Space Robots NFTs will receive an airdrop of experimental SR Backgrounds NFT collection. Which probably is the first utility NFT collection for the Maiar app.
This is happening now. And we are taking the snapshot tomorrow.
Q9: Outside of staking, gamification, will there be any passive income / benefits for space robots NFT owners?
We are currently not planning on building any source of passive income - we'll see it time. I believe ProteoDeFi team is doing a tremendous job and are just better than us at it.
In terms of benefits, I'd say that we are planning to build a full brand around the ecosystem. We aim to achieve life utility with our assets, plus there are a few other concepts on the roll that will bring with them real value.
Q10: What is your biggest fear with the project you are building right now, seeing so many startup projects that have succeeded in a short period of time, is there a fear of that?
We have fears, of course, still they are not related to any kind of progress and success of other projects.
We are currently in a full building phase. Worth to mention the core values and beliefs that we want to share with the Elrond community.
I believe that one of the biggest fears as a team and project is the collapse of the entire Elrond ecosystem. At some extent, our success is dependent on the Elrond Network success - Most of the project's funds are in EGLD.
Q11: Many creative content creators are hesitant to start selling their work through NFT because of the large commissions costs charged by some systems. What was space robots solution to this issue? Do you have any intentions to teach non-crypto individuals about NFT?
Our teams 3D artist is a founding member of the team. So this is our method of providing a fair compensation to artists that work with us. Because some of the big NFTs projects, that are now worth extremely a lot, did not include the artists in the team, and the artists sort of got ripped.
And we also made an art contest and rewarded the winners. But then we made some RoboParts with the winners art on those parts. And named them with artist names.
One of our goals is education. And we want to do more of that in the future. We constantly make riddle events, were we ask people to solve different problems.
But educating non NFT people is always our goal.
Q12: What was the hardest thing that occurred and how did you overcome it?
Of course, challanges are a common thing in any startup and you need to wear multiple hats. You, as a team member of such company, need to be aware of this.
Currently we have a clear structure on how are the roles splited inside the team and it gets easier make decisions and focus on just one thing based on the priority.
To answer your question, I believe this was our main chllange. This comes with compromises - working 8-10 a day on average daily, the fear to not disappoint your family, neither the community.
At the moment, we are making huge progress internally at a management level and things got more clear. We pressed pause and rethinked everything from the core.
Anyhow, what we learn the most is that communication is key. This reminds me of a beloved member of the community, Sisqo, that has provided us with a constructive feedback that shook us and helped us overcome the situation.
Therefore, feedback is always asked and forever appreciated in our team
Q13: Your project is very focused on the artistic side of things, so how do you see Space Robots developing in this regard over a 5 year period? Any plans to work with art galleries, music/film festivals or maybe even art schools?
Yes, we are planning to support and hold such activities in the future.
In 5 years we are planning a full emerging ecosystem based on Gamification and real life utility under the Space Robots brand. As you observed, art is already playing an important role that's why you work on the Space Robots STUDIO - a video production company
Q14: With the new version of the Roadmap, is there any plans for minting new ones or even new generations within the SR ecosystem or maybe in association with other partners?
Our roadmap still remains the same, but we just changed the order of the goals we want to achieve. Upgrading will come first.
And we still have our Space Robots Companion NFT drop (must hold 2x Space Robots (or 2x RoboPacks))
Q15: Question for Proteo Defi: Why choosing Space Robot as a partnership?
Moonlorian started working with Space Robots team since the beginning, since last autumn. And... indeed... I was really involved in helping to design the tokenomics. We created a huge plan with SR team... so huge that is taking a bit more time than we expected. When ended will be mind blowing, we want ProteoDeFi to stay close of Space Robots in the long term, thats for sure.
Q16: Question for Proteo Defi: What advantages Proteo and SR are preparing? NFT staking for sProteo? Boost LPs?
Some of them are:
Participation on special campaigns, having SR helps you
Being able to earn sPROTEO with SR
Being able to use Space Robots as collateral without liquidation risk to get a loan
Being able to buy a new SR or parts using your sPROTEO as collateral without liquidation risk
Special Tournaments ... and more
//: End of transmission ā”
Linktree: http://linktr.ee/spacerobots