SpaceLog - #0522 - Update 26
Exciting updates from the Space Robots team - enhanced DApp rankings, a Bootstrap transition, a Devnet DApp Upgrade by the end of the month, an ongoing website content meeting, and internal testing in progress!

Exciting updates from the Space Robots team - enhanced DApp rankings, a Bootstrap transition, a Devnet DApp Upgrade by the end of the month, an ongoing website content meeting, and internal testing in progress!
DApp Development Progress:
- Rankings Enhancement:
- Implemented user ranking scores with added blacklist functionality to exclude market wallets and smart contracts, ensuring accuracy.
- Ongoing improvements to rankings, focusing on showcasing users with the most upgrades.
- Database Optimization:
- Transitioned to using views directly from the database instead of JSON for increased speed and consistency in data retrieval.
- Layout Update Discussion:
- We discussed updates to the homepage layout to enhance user experience.
- Technology Transition:
- We have successfully migrated from Tailwind to Bootstrap, resolving conflicts and ensuring seamless integration.
- Mobile and Tablet Optimization:
- Continued improvements to the DApp version for mobile and tablet devices, prioritizing responsiveness and usability.
Upcoming Devnet DApp Upgrade:
- Release Target:
- We are still aiming for the Devnet DApp Upgrade, with various enhancements and features, to be released by the end of the month.
Website Development Meeting:
- Conducted a content meeting for the website, focusing on refining messaging and user engagement strategies.
Preparation for Devnet Version Launch:
- Old Devnet Version Removal:
- Preparing to remove the old Devnet version in anticipation of the upcoming launch.
- DApp Upgrade Details:
- Continued work on mobile-friendly table designs and adding 3D animations to enrich the user experience.
- Implemented a message regarding the forthcoming Devnet testing release on the homepage
- Made progress on homepage enhancements.
Internal Testing and Deployment Updates:
- Backend and Database Updates:
- Backend and database systems have been updated to support the latest changes and improvements.
- DApp Deployment:
- Deployed the DApp for internal testing
- Important Note on Animation File Size:
- Due to size restrictions, we utilized a smaller animation file for deployment.
//: End of transmission: Stay tuned ⚡
Space Robots Team @ Racyon Industries
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