ΣLadder Enabled

Presenting the official ranking for the Space Robots collection!
ΣLadder set to enable //: sladder.spacerobotsclub.com
The official Space Robots ranking ΣLadder platform introduces three new ranking Traits:
- Power Score - the sum of Attack and Defense
- Rarity Score - the statistical rarity of each NFT trait
- Matching Head & Body
These changes were essential for a dynamic and transparent ranking system that can be utilized in ΣUpgrade, ΣMining, and other protocols.
We have had long internal discussions on adjusting the ranks and how much the new weights should influence and change the ranks. And I think we managed to find a perfect balance between the old ranking and the ranking of new weights.
Space Robots collection from initial conception was created with dynamic ranks in mind, and today with the launch of ΣLadder, we finally have an infrastructure that can show these dynamic ranks.
ΣLadder Features
Our ranking system, though seemingly simple on the surface, boasts a complexity we're incredibly proud of. Kudos to our developers for achieving this feat!

Live data - ranking data gets a refresh every 10 minutes using our custom API on-chain, all set for the ΣUpgrade release.
Rarity Score - we dynamically calculate this score using data from two collections. We consider both the RoboPart collection and the parts that are equipped on Space Robots NFTs.
The score adapts when RoboParts are either burned or removed from Space Robots after the upgrading purposes.
Filters - once you connect to the DApp, you can quickly determine your Space Robots' ranks by switching on 'My Robots'. Use filters to identify which robots remain locked in RoboPacks and which are available for sale.
UI elements - desktop and mobile versions share most features, allowing sorting by various columns and displaying the latest prices of the actively sold Space Robots.
Feedback - We're open to feedback. Connect with us and drop us a message.
Marketplaces and Ranking history

As one of the early projects on Elrond, now MultiversX, we've encountered unique challenges. We were among the first collections to burn and remint NFTs to test the future capabilities of the Upgrading mechanism.
This was one factor that led to some discrepancies in the marketplace rankings. We've prepared a document where you can compare the former rankings with the current ΣLadder rankings.
For transparency and clarity, we have prepared a table where you can compare rank differences. Please be aware that the exact rank was solely displayed on Deadrare. Xoxno and other marketplaces may have inaccurately represented this rank due to the previously mentioned issues. You can find the comparison table here.
Over the following days, we'll commence the task of updating and synchronizing the rankings across all MultiversX Marketplaces, starting with Xoxno.
Over the next few weeks, we'll release a thorough article providing insights into the weights, formulas, and methods used to compute the rankings.
//: End of transmission: Stay tuned ⚡
Linktree: http://linktr.ee/spacerobots
Space Robots Team @ Racyon Industries