Progress Update #0301

Together with the MultiversX community, we are excited to celebrate the launch of @xPortalApp!
We will also present a short status update on the project's development, including the ΣUpgrade Protocol, Website Upgrade, and PHX Protocol.
Sneak Peak
Transmission error/data stream interrupted. //: Data truncated: Keep your Robots in your wallets.
We are partnering with a major project on #MVX for a special event for our holders. Tomorrow, we will reveal more information. Don't miss out on this opportunity!

ΣUpgrade Protocol
We have made significant progress. A simplified internal devnet version of the on-chain partial upgrade will be available next week.
We are preparing for the entire development structure of the ΣUpgrade protocol. Our team is working diligently to tackle this significant feature of the project. Our mood is positive, and our energy level is high!
Our goal is challenging. The upgrade of Space Robots' NFTs requires not only modifying the NFT image but also performing off-chain calculations of the total attack and defense values of all the RoboParts for the metadata.

All robots have values for their #TA32 Total Attack and #TD32 Total Defense, which must be recalculated when they are upgraded.
Website Upgrade
We're still working on improving new users' first steps in the Space Robots universe. Our old website is in dire need of an upgrade!
The goal is to make it as easy as possible to use and give people an easy way to learn about the project, its history, and all the information about the collection and upcoming events.

We are finalizing the core elements of the new website structure and experimenting with visual styles and designs that would best represent the project.
PHX Protocol
Planning the structure of the PHX RoboPack unlocking event. Preparing the cool new RoboParts.
We will share an update on the undistributed RoboPackPHX until the release of the protocol. Most likely, we will burn most of the undistributed RoboPacksPHX.
You can find more information about RoboPackPHX in this article.
We are making progress on more minor elements of the project.
Our team is looking for a community manager who would like to help expand the Space Robots community. If interested, please get in touch with @TarantuloTV.
//: End of transmission: Stay tuned ⚡
Space Robots Team @ Racyon Industries