@ImageBot enabled

The community has voted, and this new feature has been enabled on our Discord server. And this Racyon Labs experimental is enabled.
- Join the Space Robots Discord server.
- Must be a Space Robots NFT holder.
- Go to ✅︱holder-verify channel. Perform the verification.
- Verification will unlock 🌈︱ai-image channel.
- Try it out and share your feedback with us.
Image generation
Our team is fascinated by emerging technologies, and AI is one such field that has piqued our interest from the first day of text to image generation. As a result, we were eager to explore this experiment of merging NFT ownership with easy and straightforward access to AI tools.
We've launched this experiment with the Stable Diffusion v2.1 API, and it's pretty cool. But we are in anticipation of the arrival of SDXL model, which generates much better results.
To write better prompts, read this https://stable-diffusion-art.com/prompt-guide/ or use the Stable Diffusion Prompt Generator.
A prompt example that generated the image below: A single robot warrior on sandy planet, futuristic, concept art, unreal engine, vray, dramatic

Holder verify
The experimental feature is accessible only for a verified holder for Space Robots. Go to ✅︱holder-verify channel. Perform the verification.

Completing verification will unlock 🌈︱ai-image channel.
We plan to implement more interesting experiments available for Space Robots holders only.
//: Racyon Experimental Labs Tweet
//: Racyon Experimental Labs ⚡🤖
— Space Robots ⚡ (@SpaceRobotsNFT) March 25, 2023
Do #SpaceRobots NFT owners want access to the Text2Image generator, Stable Diffusion, on our Discord server? This special feature will be limited to a dedicated channel for holders only.
//: End of transmission: Stay tuned ⚡
Linktree: http://linktr.ee/spacerobots
Space Robots Team @ Racyon Industries