*#/ GM 0208 — Overview

*#/ GM 0208 — Overview

*#/ GM protocol //: Pack Opening Resumed 🔓

🦾 Yesterday, pack opening got back on track, solving the 32D2 issue we faced.

📦 We extend the deadlines of our Video Pack Opening Event and Profile picture event.

🎁 3 (4?) giveaways still ongoing
⚡ You can open your Robopacks PH1 and PH2 from now on !
- 955 Robopacks PH2 remain unopened
- 474 Robopacks PH1 remain unopened

1. Video Reaction Event

We are extending the Pack Opening Event Crazy Reaction Contest to Feb 14th — 18 UTC — Make a fun video, get rewarded !

2. Profile Picture— Event

We are extending the event to Feb 12th — 18 UTC

3. Space Mod Giveaway

Participate in @SpaceRobotsMod giveaway and try to win a MT-Mustache rare Robopart!

4. Secret giveaway

This second hidden giveaway isn’t a secret when you speak Robots language: HEX Get your chance to be among the random winners !

//: End of transmission: Stay tuned

Website: Spacerobots.club
Twitter: twitter.com/SpaceRobotsNFT
Discord: discord.gg/spacerobots
Telegram: t.me/spacerobots
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/SpaceRobotsNFT