*#/ Domain Issue detected //: ⚠️Learn from our experience
This article is about the .club top-level domain issue we faced, and the solutions we bring to it.

Dear community, this article aims to explain the coming changes that we are about to bring to our domains, and also to prevent other Elrond NFT projects to make the same unfortunate mistake as we did.
We are migrating from SpaceRobots.club to SpaceRobotsClub.com.

//: ".club" top-level domain & Twitter
Lately, we found out that many of our Twitter posts suffered from a kind of censorship from social media.
As a matter of fact, every tweet that contained a link redirecting to our blog posts or website was neither notified to our fellow followers nor displayed on their Timeline. As both our blog and website were fitted with the ".club" top-level domain, we lead some research.
After reaching out to our blog support Ghost and digging on the Internet, we found out that Twitter seemingly considers the ".club" domain suffix as unsafe/fishy/spammy.

//: Taking actions
Now that we are aware of this issue, we will proceed as follows:
- We already changed our current blog domain to a blog.spacerobotsclub.com
- Changing our current website top-level domain to spacerobotsclub.com
- Transferring all the services and redirecting all the links to the spacerobotsclub.com
//: Stay tuned
We hope that our experience will help existing or coming Elrond NFT projects to avoid repeating this mistake. This issue could cause unexpected low engagement on Twitter and the blacklisting of one's account on Twitter.
Luckily, everything will start to get back on track as soon as the necessary changes are performed.
As for Space Robots' case, the team we are making these changes soon... because a lot of good news and information will be shared with the community in the coming weeks 👀
//: End of transmission