*#/ Space Robots X CryptoThug — AMA Recap

Dear community. Here is an accurate recap of what has been said during the AMA CrytoThug hosted on their telegram.
Q1:Can you introduce yourself and about the team behind space robots NFT to our community please?
A1: Tarantulo
I am Tarantulo the founder of Space Robots (SR) NFT project. Storyteller, Youtuber, Elrond ambassador, and I am running day-to-day things/technical/marketing of the SR project.
Next, we have on the co-founders and our team artist Simpleprick. He is a Digital Artist. Creator of Space Robots 3D models. Doing the graphic design and concept art for the Space Robots.
Punk_A_Bit is an advisor and co-founder for our project - he helps the team with the strategic project development questions. And at the same time, he is in charge of attracting various partners which creates value to the project and the community.
Kama - is responsible for editing and creating our video content.
Space Mod is our community manager. He helps all-around and creates amazing contests, riddles, articles, and voice live events.
Q2: How did you get the idea of creating a space robots NFT, what is the story behind it?
Since I started my journey with blockchain tech at the end of 2017 I always wanted to build a project of my own. I became an Elrond ambassador in 2019 and followed the growth of EGLD back then (ERD) and was collecting knowledge and gaining experience.
And all that relentless work ethic and passion from the Elrond team finally gave me enough courage to think of launching our own project.
And last year we got together (we are friends in real life) and decide we want to build a project that would have real ART value, be interesting, entertaining, innovative in this space, and would help people to educate people about technology and blockchain.
We brainstormed a few ideas - and since all of us loved Robots, Smipleprick made a few sketches, I wrote a backstory, and Space Robots were born.
Our goal is not just build a collection. We have a lot more goals !
Q3: Why did you choose Elrond network over the others?
A3: Punk a Bit
Tarantulo - has been an early believer of Elrond blockchain since the beginning. He is also an ambassador, so he knows the project very well.
From a technical perspective - it is user-friendly, cheap, fast. Has true NFT ownership, built-in NFT royalties, and Maiar! We are hoping that the official Maiar NFT Marketplace is launching soon.
At the same time, the community behind this project is fantastic and very involved. And we knew that there were not many projects to choose from when we started to build.
In the end, it is not about an Elrond. Instead, it is about the NFT project in general.

Q4: A few or most of the NFTs are cashing in on the current trend. They are here today and might be gone tomorrow. How is 'space robots' planning to stay in the game for a longer period of time?
A4: Punk a Bit
NFT market is very immature at the moment. Most of the projects are just simply PFP based.
Our alpha: you can stake the Space Robots NFT, earn parts and upgrade the Robots using those parts. So that the collectors can make Robots more powerful and also personalize them + our NFT will have a long-term utility - the game. Building a better/stronger Robot - will benefit the long-term holder.
In the end, no one knows which projects will succeed. We, as a team, are not focussing on short-term speculation. We are here to build a long-lasting valuable project.
We think - that option to upgrade / customise creates a really awesome utility for the NFTs
Q5: As a holder of space robots NFT how will I benefit in the long run?
A5: Tarantulo
The staking and game mechanics will create a demand for Space Robots NFTs, as it will be essential for users to participate in it.
We also have an additional value proposition for our community. We constantly develop it and will continue doing that. You can read more about it in our roadmap: https://spacerobots.club/#RoboPack roadmap.
Q6: I am really excited about the gamification element, can you shed some light around it?
A6: Tarantulo
We want to create a whole economy around Space Robots - by staking, participating in the game with your Space Robots NFT you will be able to win, earn different rewards.
That will allow you to re-invest and grow your Robot earning potential - and increase its value at the same time.
Q7: Outside of staking, gamification, will there be any passive income / benefits for space robots NFT owners?
A7: Punk a Bit
Holding Space Robots NFTs will earn you a membership in the Space Robots Club, giving you various benefits, allowing you to participate in SRC governance, and taking part in exclusive giveaways, NFT drops, and other events.
Q8: When can we expect the public sale and the robots part upgrade?
A8: Tarantulo
The public sale is planned for the end of February. Robot parts upgrade will come at a later date.
Q9: Will the robots have a bottom part, and weapons?
A9: Tarantulo
Initially for Space Robots NFTs that won't happen. But we already have some Robots with all the parts.
Weapons also might happen in some form.
Q10: In roadmap it was mentioned about the Spacerobots universe, how do u plan to incorporate the metaverse ecosystem with these NFTs?
A10: Tarantulo
Since we are a 3D project we will have an easy option to transfer our Robots to the Metaverse - there a lot of options and we are still deciding will we join one or multiple Metaverse projects.
Q11: About robocells utility
A11: Tarantulo
Currently, you can exchange RoboCells for Space Robots NFTs. But we will be making some changes to how RoboCells are used creating additional use cases for them.
//: End of transmission: Stay tuned
Website: Spacerobots.club
Twitter: twitter.com/SpaceRobotsNFT
Discord: discord.gg/spacerobots
Telegram: t.me/spacerobots
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/SpaceRobotsNFT